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The Butterfly Whisperer

The language of energy, frequency and vibration is hard to translate into words; This makes it challenging to explain why butterfly whispering is such an incredible experience. Once you try it, you will know why I created this project.

The videos and photos I share on this site, are raw, unedited captures, of either a still, or a moving image. The interactions I have with wild butterflies are totally unscripted and spontaneous. WYSIWYG. 


Butterflies have very acute senses; Each interaction even though it may be only for a few seconds, is very special. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t get instant results. Persevere. 


Avoid wearing sunscreen products as they contain toxic chemicals and Butterflies will often lick the salt from your skin. Butterflies are also sensitive to smells, so avoid perfumes, artificial creams, and especially anti-bacterial lotions. The more natural you are, the less obstacles will be in your way. Butterflies spook easily, so move slowly and avoid sudden jerking movements. 


The New Forest Burnet butterfly, is a category 1, in the red book endangered species list.

Albert Einstein said that "when you look deeply into nature, you will understand everything better". This is very true. There are many creatures who have to go through a transformational stage during their lifetime, including us. We call it going through a mid life crisis. But in reallity, it's a mid life Chrysalis. 


Our moment of truth comes when we have to trust our own wings for the very first time. Even though we have never experienced flight before this moment, when the time comes, the Butterfly will fly, like it has flown it's entire life. The ability to fly isn't learned, the 'knowledge' of how to fly comes pre-installed with the wings.


The process of metamorphosis changes the entire experience of life. But, why is it necessary to create a life form that has to die, in order to alter it’s experience of life? Why not create butterflies, that can give birth to more butterflies, and bypass the Caterpillars monotonous existence entirely?

There is a point in the transformation process, where neither the caterpillar, nor, butterfly, can be said to exist. This supernatural process, reveals ancient secrets about how we can transform our experience of 'life'. From the caterpillars perspective, death is the end. To the butterfly, it is just the beginning. Death is simply an interval in between one state of being, and another.

The metamorphosis of the butterfly illustrates that the energy which creates life, never dies. The existence of a butterfly actually proves that life after death is a reality. My question to you is this; if so much creative potential exists within a crawling worm, then how much greater must our potential for transformation be?


“Find the golden butterfly within, and you will never be without"

Discover the magic for yourself

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